Just DNF’d my first SE book and feeling super bummed out. How do others deal with it?

Ok so background on me, I suffer really really badly with FOMO and completionism. I’m working on it and my goal this year was to actually dnf a book if I don’t like it.

Previously I’ve just suffered through and pushed myself to finish it. But after doing this a few times recently I realised I really needed to just commit to dnfing cos I was just making myself miserable for no good reason.

And today I finally did it! And initially I felt super freeing and proud of myself. Except the initial high has worn off and now I’m feeling super bummed out. For a variety of reasons. Like I’m mad I didn’t dnf it sooner (got to like 45%) so I feel like I wasted a bunch of time reading something I’m never going to finish. I kinda feel icky that I didn’t finish it like I’ve somehow insulted the author 😂. And I’m also mad I spent money on a SE that I thought I’d like but didn’t.

I know logically it’s just a book and it’s not that big of a deal but I would really appreciate some advice or whatever on how to deal with my reaction to dnfing. Or just to know I’m (hopefully) not the only one who feels this way.