22 days into 100 day fast

Unsure what in this post made someone refer me to the RedditCareResources (I didn't even know that was a thing. Pretty cool.) But I assure you I'm not depressed or thinking of bodily harm or anything like that. Too much to live for (thus the fast) and I am happier now that in years. I do appreciate the concern though!

Good morning fasting peeps! Time for my weekly update of doumenting my body's reaction to water fasting. See the links below for my previous 2 posts...

  • So far 41 pounds lost.
  • New this past week was ear pain. My left ear was painful on Thursday and Friday and Saturday. Pain at eardrum. Researched and disovered that dehaydration an cause an imbalance of pressure between inner/outer ear ausing pain...issue resolved in combination with my next point.
  • If you look at my day by day weight tracker in the image, you will see that on Tuesday-Friday my weight only fluctuated .4 pounds. Clearly a sign I was holding on to water. Saturday I drank literally all I could. Sunday as well. Midday Sunday my ear started feeling better and I began to pee a bunch. Today, ear pain gone and my body released a bunch of water I was retaining.
  • Several people I know that knew I was fasting and were skeptical are now visibily seeing my resutls and how amazing I feel. They are now researching fasting and two have started their own fast. Pretty cool.
  • In my last 2 posts I've metnioned how utterly amazing I feel. That feeling has continued. My wife pointed out that I have been more loving and sweet to her and that I have shown more patience with the kiddos. Kinda hurt a little knowing that what that means is that I had an opportunity all along to treat them better and show more love, but grateful to know that part of my life is also being impacted now. I plan to research that aspect this week to understand what could possibly be improving this part of who I am.

First post


Second post

