Everything about FATEs that could use some fixing
Given how hard Square Enix pushes FATEs as content, I would love for them to address the following:
- Tuning from FATE to FATE is wildly inconsistent: certain FATEs might see you and your chocobo companion comfortably soloing each wave whereas others will kill you in seconds if you even think about taking on the whole wave at once (ex: Hey, Manzasiri; Young Volcanoes; etc.).
- Mid-expansion boss FATEs are often incredibly overtuned, often taking twice as long to complete as those from earlier or later zones.
- It's not possible to tell if a single-enemy FATE (not World Bosses but more mundane FATEs like Breaking the Jaw's gigantic Namazu) is scaled for multiple players until after one engages. It's really not fun to see a full opener do only 8-10% of the HP bar!
- Mobs can spawn far outside the FATE circle. This can require you to wait for the mobs to sloooowly waddle into the FATE circle before you can hit them. Heavens help you if you wander out of the FATE circle to intercept them and lose level sync along with all your gauges!
- Groups of mobs can leash within the FATE circle, turning invincible for a few seconds and regaining all their HP. This is incredibly annoying if you're trying to group mobs up in order to AOE them down efficiently.
- Mob AOE spam makes life hard for casters, and it makes grouping mobs take far, far longer than it should since mobs like to hang back to cast their AOEs.
- FATEs with ranged enemies make grouping mobs extra annoying. FATEs like Gust Stop Already that exclusively feature ranged enemies (which also pause to cast) make things extra annoying.
- Some FATEs' mobs are way too large, and this really hurts many jobs' ability to AOE properly. They're also really hard to see around (A Tortoise of a Tale, Old Stampeding Grounds).
- Mobs that can stun players are ridiculously obnoxious (ex: bandit FATEs in Kozama'uka).
- Mobs sometimes take forever to spawn (looking at you, Scavengers Hunted, That's Me and the Porter FATE!, etc.) or take too many tiny waves to fully complete (One-punch Mantis, Roadside Dinner)
- Certain FATEs' mobs can chase annoyingly far outside the FATE circle.
- Hitting a mob as a FATE completes forces a long, long wait for the FATE mobs to despawn before mounts, etc. become available
- Did you put in the work to complete a turn-in FATE then swap to a DoL job to gather while you wait for the FATE's turn-in timer to finish? If you're on your DoL as the timer completes, then you totally forfeit all your rewards! Hooray!
Despite pushing FATEs hard, CBU3 doesn't seem to care to playtest them at all.Multiple people found this a bit ad hominem, and I'm now somewhat inclined to agree, so I'm going to retract it