how to make friends in ff14 🌱
Hello! I'm a relatively new sprout just joined the game earlier this month and been addicted to this game since then. This is my first MMORPG so I'm just new to the scene in general. I just barely started applying to FC as of yesterday as I was super anxious to apply (.__.). In a general sense I am very shy and at the same time have a hard time connecting due to it. I don't know how the community approaches new sprouts especially since most people I come across are level 100+ and are on DLCs far into the game. I really feel like MMORPGs as a whole has been a journey to understand the concept of and on top of that my progression of the game is barely a dent as of now (lvl 40 SMN on ARR) so it makes me nervous to interact on top of that. Again, I am super shy and feel like most people who hang around Limsa already have established friend groups. I'm also in a Novice Network + FFXIV discord server and feel even on there people have established friends as well. If anyone can give tips on how to approach this I would appreciate it. (´;ω;`)
(Edit: I'm coping right now since the only person I'm playing with is my partner/roommate but he's new to the game/MMORPG setting so I just wanted to broaden my own circle because I do really love this community)