How do y’all save up so many rainbow stones?
I saw a post the other day where someone was asking how many rainbow stones everyone has saved up and so many people were saying 10K+ with many saying 17K, 20K and even higher! Do y’all just never buy anything? I’ve never saved up more than like 4K because there’s just way too many cute items in the shops that I cannot resist buying! And like I don’t really care, I like spending my rainbow stones on cute things for Bubblegum but it just kind of makes me feel bad about myself when I see how much everyone else has saved up. It makes feel like I’m too impulsive and wasteful with my rainbow stones because I’m sitting at a good 83 rainbow stones right now while everyone has like tens of thousands lol
Edit: Omg thank you everyone for all the helpful responses! I didn’t even know you can sell things and I just earned 3.3K selling old seasonal stuff I don’t like! And from what I’m seeing it does seem like most of y’all just don’t buy things as much as I do lol. I’m gonna try to be less impulsive with my purchasing but overall I don’t think it’s a big deal anyways because rainbow stones aren’t real money so there’s no repercussions in spending them as I wish and enabling my shopping addiction lol!