Zane House Appreciation Thread

Located in the beautiful neighborhood of Minefield, this small, out of the way, 2 story 2 bed 2 bath home is a cozy little get away for the discerning waste lander.

Amenities include a working fridge door, Pugilist Illustrated, and a pre-war book for your reading pleasure. The Zane house comes with a ton of storage and an acceptable level of display area for all your treasure display needs. It also comes with a working radio.

Not only that but the current owner is highly motivated to sell, he trades in bullets to the brainpan and has the key conveniently on him.

The Zane house is close to a local park, and is a goldmine of explosive mines for those that see adventure.

If you're looking for a quaint place to call home away from the big city vibes of Megaton or Rivet city then this place could be your dream come true.