Evidence in OS for SPOILER theory:

Just finished OS and have so many theories, but the big one is about Violet’s second signet not being dream-walking but actually mind-walking?

This is a pretty popular theory I've seen other people talk about here, but there are two things that support this I haven't seen others point out:

  • Xaden unintentionally being able to hear Violet's private thoughts outside of their bond
  • The Irids and the slide-whistle treatment

So first to clarify, I think right now Violet can only enter the minds of those whose shields are completely down—like while sleeping or, in Xaden’s case, during his post-sex glow lol.

Right after we find out and assume her signet is dream-walking, Xaden practically spells it out for us:

“You don’t read them. You walk straight into them when unconscious.”

then later:
"I can only read someone while they're awake, and I'm limited by their ability to shield*. No one can shield while they're sleeping"*

When Xaden hears and responds to Violet’s private thoughts, it's always been when they're both completely vulnerable and their shields are down. She assumes he’s reading her mind because his intinnsic signet is growing stronger as he turns Venin. This is a misdirect. It's Violet whose signet getting stronger. Xaden's not pulling thoughts from Violet’s mind— Violet's pushing them into Xaden’s without realizing it.

But who did we meet that has the ability to push past shields into people’s minds? The Irids. *Cue slide whistle.\*

The Irids’ telepathy was a huge reveal that got brushed aside in the excitement of finally finding them, and I think that's why I haven't seen many people point out this connection. The fact that riders can hear from dragons they aren’t bonded to is massive, and RY made a point to give this ability a distinct physical effect.

Every time the Irids use their telepathy on a human, there’s that loud screeching/slide whistle noise. I think that sound is them pushing past a rider’s bond and shields to walk into their minds. (I wouldn’t be surprised if in book 4 or 5, one of the things Violet needs to learn is how to make her mind walk past someone's shield less deafening and more slide-whistley)

This explains why Violet, Andarna, and Tairn are the only ones who kept their bond in the isles without magic—because Andarna’s Irid abilities work without Empyrean or Continental magic.

This also explains why the Irids were so angry with Andarna—they said the ability she gave Violet was “more dangerous than lightning.” But if dream-walking was all it was, why would that be any more dangerous than the other intinnsic abilities we know of?

It's because Violet’s power isn’t about passively mind reading. It’s about actively walking into and meddling with minds. That's why it’s so dangerous—it’s not just about observing, it’s about affecting someone else’s thoughts.

If this theory is right, there are so many ways it could shape the story. If Violet learns to control this ability, could she use it against the Venin? Could she telepathically communicate with her squad on the battlefield without dragons? And what counters do the Venin have to this? Can Berwyn also mind walk?

I’d love to hear what you all think!


tl;dr: Violet's second signet is Jedi Mind Tricks