What is the funkiest/dankest fragrance you've smelled? (NOT WORST)
What is the frag that can only be described as: feculent, fetid, funky, fusty, gamy, graveolent, humid, mephitic, noisome, olid, pungent, putrescent
I don't mean what is the WORST fragrance you've smelled. Cause something could be sweet and floral and cause a full repulsion. I don't just mean animalic either.
I simply mean what is the frag you most associate with strong and visceral funkiness. Could be putrefaction, could be a sweaty ferret orgy, could be just a highly pungent musk, Limburger cheese, Surströmming, could be insane levels of maturated oud with some sulphuric and mustardic (<<new word) notes. Just whatever comes to mind, thanks!
Also i'd like to know your feelings towards funkier smelling frags, your favorite super funk frag, AND if the funkiest ever smelling frag was anywhere form god-awful to amazing?! Thanks.