how did you guys get your parents to call you your name and correct pronouns?

i’m at a point where i pass 100% of the time, voice and all. everyone in my life currently calls me my name and he/him. however, when i go to visit my parents, they always call me my deadname and she/her. i correct them, and my mom kind of makes an effort but then she just stops trying and my dad doesn’t try at all.

he always gets defensive when i correct him and says it’ll take time, but it’s been so much time and he literally NEVER uses the correct name even after correcting him

i’m going to visit them soon and i don’t really want to be in an environment that is always deadnaming me

how did you guys get your parents to use the correct name&pronouns?

EDIT: i am currently financially dependent on them and don’t have an option not to be. they pay part of my rent and i am on their insurance. i am getting top surgery this year and they are willing to pay the deductible for it, so i dont have an option to go no contact