Tower of Fantasy Devs Basically F***ed over a large chunk of the playerbase

Some background: There are limited banners that give you one "Flame Gold" everytime you roll and 120 of these can be traded in for the rate up limited character. When the banner ends, this is converted to "Black Gold" which can only be used to buy duplicate standard characters (costs 120 too). They mistakenly ended the limited banner too early and everyone who logged in during that time had their Flame Gold converted to Black Gold (therefore erasing all the hard pity for everyone).

As a fix, they decided to roll back this conversion and give everyone back the same amount of Flame Gold they had before this mistake and also deduct the corresponding amount of Black Gold (which for some people meant they now had a negative amount of Black Gold). Along with this, they gave everyone 500 BC (premium currency, 150 for one roll) and 300 BC for everyone that rolled at least once on the limited banner.

Now, they are deciding to NOT deduct Black Gold from anyone which means that only some people benefitted (only those who rolled on the limited banner, did NOT spend their Flame Gold, and logged in when the banner mistakenly ended).

If you had 110 Flame Gold and logged in when the banner ended, now you have 110 Flame Gold AND 110 Black Gold. If you got to 120 Flame Gold and traded that in for the rate up character, tough luck. If you decided to roll on the banner after the limited banner came back up, again tough luck.