Game recommendation: Transhumanism
I'm looking for a game that has good biological transhumanist elements, in gameplay AND lore preferably. I have seen a lot of tech-based transhumanism, cyberpunk and technomancer, but I really want to see something in which a human moves away from their humanity via biological change, evolving or mutating or what have you. Tech being a part of the change is fine, but I just need the final product not to be cybernetic/computerized in nature. I just want something where you are far from being human, without resorting to cyber.
Edit because I realized I wasn't very specific: I don't just want biological based advancement into something human into something humanlike, I want something where you play as a straight up monster or are becoming a monster throughout it. Something where you become differently human or just a cyborg is something that I have in abundance and do not need more of.