I think i’m genderfluid instead of transmasc and I have doubts about continuing testosterone

As the title says, i’ve been realizing more and more that i’m pretty sure i’m genderfluid. Since i was 17 i’ve been going back and forth about every year or so with being a cis woman, transmasc, or non-binary. These past 6 months i was so sure that i was transmasc and i decided to start testosterone. I’ve been on t for almost 3 months now. However, i’m wanting to be a girl again and the changes on t are scaring me. My voice has dropped and i’m growing a bit of facial hair already. I like the voice drop so far, but that’s pretty much the only change i like. I’m not wanting facial hair, i don’t want my body to masculinize, and i don’t want really any of the other changes that come with t very much. I feel like im having an identity crisis. Should i continue t until i get my voice to a point i like and then stop? Or should I stop as soon as possible in order to prevent any other changes from progressing? Also, am i able to just stop t whenever i want? Any advice i can get i would be very greatful for