How can I help my almost deaf old man?

Atom will be 10 on the 15th and has recently gone mostly deaf. It’s harder on me than him since this is his first major sign of aging. I prefer to say that he’s not old, he’s an old man, but dang this is a rude reminder that he’s 10.

I ordered a leash/collar slide that says “SPEAK UP! I’M AN OLD MAN!” for when I take him out in public with me. He was raised with hand and verbal signals but what can I do to help and/or manage this transition?

Tongue tax from this week’s snowstorm.

Atom will be 10 on the 15th and has recently gone mostly deaf. It’s harder on me than him since this is his first major sign of aging. I prefer to say that he’s not old, he’s an old man, but dang this is a rude reminder that he’s 10.

I ordered a leash/collar slide that says “SPEAK UP! I’M AN OLD MAN!” for when I take him out in public with me. He was raised with hand and verbal signals but what can I do to help and/or manage this transition?

Tongue tax from this week’s snowstorm.