I bought a glass hat.

I was at the thrift store and saw this swell little glass hat. "Hey" i thought to myself "that's a swell little glass hat, I think I'll buy it" so I bought the swell glass hat thinking that was the end of it, and my one and only hat.

Enter today, I went to the flea market. As I was browsing around the assorted glasses at a vendor I often visit to run my eyes over, as well as my lights that illuminate certain glasses in ultraviolet way. Finding nothing of interest, or of price range, I turned to leave, but I spotted something...another hat, though this one was a wee bit different. "Well" I thought to myself "no price tag, surely I should not bother this fair shopkeep with pricing questions" but fate as usual had other plans. Out of the corner of her eye I feel she saw me admiring this crystaline headpiece, this chapeau de verre as it were. It was then that a voice that was sweet and giving, but now I know was filled with malice and Ill intention said to me "take it, it's yours" well I tell ya, I'm not one to pass on free stuff, so I took it and after speaking pleasantries I left the area, maybe it was a cackle I heard as I walked away.

When I got home I placed the second hat beside the first hat I had purchased and it was at that moment I realized....there's several glass hats to be had, a plethora of headpieces of a glass composition, all different sizes, different colours and different makers. While surely she could not have known that I just purchased a glass hat days before, it is strange that I'd get another so soon, and not only that but so soon after there was another post about a hat collection. Like the Gods of Glass had planned this. Now my purpose in life is clear, and though I tried I could not stop at one, nor can I at two, I must find all the hats, this is my burden, and I face it alone.

Anyway, enjoy the pictures of my two glass hats!