TileMap errors

Hello, im new to Godot, I finished the "Your First 2D game" tutorial and now im slowly expanding the game. I added a TileMap with a TileSet and a atlas to the game, and now it shows hundreds of errors in the Debugger tab as following:

E 0:00:00:0372   create_tile: Cannot create tile. The tile is outside the texture or tiles are already present in the space the tile would cover.
  <C++ Error>    Condition "!room_for_tile" is true.
  <C++ Source>   scene/resources/tile_set.cpp:4147 @ create_tile()
E 0:00:00:0372   has_alternative_tile: The TileSetAtlasSource atlas has no tile at (22, 0).
  <C++ Error>    Condition "!tiles.has(p_atlas_coords)" is true. Returning: false
  <C++ Source>   scene/resources/tile_set.cpp:4584 @ has_alternative_tile()
E 0:00:00:0372   create_alternative_tile: TileSetAtlasSource has no tile at (22, 0).
  <C++ Error>    Condition "!tiles.has(p_atlas_coords)" is true. Returning: TileSetSource::INVALID_TILE_ALTERNATIVE
  <C++ Source>   scene/resources/tile_set.cpp:4532 @ create_alternative_tile()

it just repeats these errors going up the x axis. when it reaches (35,0) the next error jumps to (76,0), and at 86 it repeats the process but the y axis goes up by 1. It keeps doing this until it reaches 403 errors, and then it shows 1 last error:

E 0:00:00:0383   Too many errors! Ignoring errors for up to 1 second.
  <C++ Error>    TOO_MANY_ERRORS
  <C++ Source>   :-1

Despite these errors, the game is running with no issues, however im afraid these errors might have a small impact on performance and if there is a real error it wouldnt be easy to see between all these errors. Its not a issue from my scripts since if i just delete the TileMap the errors go away. Im using Godot 4.2 stable on Windows 11 23H2