[NA Event] Chaldea Tam Lin Cup - The Next Generation's Triumphant Return Day 04

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Roll thread

  • Event Duration: 8 November 2024 - 21 November 2024, 19:59 PST
  • Participation Requirements:
    • Fuyuki clear for farming nodes (for lottery)
    • Lostbelt 6 for event story quests


Check the sub by the NA Guide flair for farming comps and other relevant resources too!


  • You can start farming on day 1. The drop differences between rotations are not enough to delay farming. Farm the 90+ node until you buy the 4 shop CEs, then farm the 90/90+/90++ node of your choice.
    • If you don't have that many apples, you can wait until more of your friends get MLB lotto CE to maximize apple efficiency.
  • You do not have to farm 90++. It is not mandatory. Forcing 90++ is only if you want to squeeze maximum drops out of your AP. There are multiple reasons to not farm 90++:
    • Barrier of entry: farming 90++ efficiently has a much higher barrier of entry compared to 90 or 90+.
    • 90++ oftentimes requires plugsuit. It is much easier to run 90 or 90+ nodes without using plugsuit, which can increase ease of execution and decrease runtime.
    • The drops from the node itself may be more favorable on 90 or 90+. For example, on rotation 1, the 90 node drops talons and yarn, the 90+ node drops eggs and spinal fluids, and the 90++ node drops cores and fantasy scales. With how many servants use eggs, the 90+ node may be higher value to you.
    • Refer to this image for lotto currency droprates: image
  • You only have to do 90+ or 90++ for one rotation to shop clear. Past that, you can choose to run 90 if it's easier or more relevant for you.
  • When you get the grand prize in boxes 1-10, you unlock the ability to go onto the next box early. Don't do this. You are forced to full clear every box after 11 anyway and you can miss out on some limited prizes. For example, the gold and silver apples are only in boxes 1-10. If you reset early, you can potentially miss them.
  • 100 spins is unlocked at box 11.
  • Don't MLB the lotto CE early. 5 non-MLB CEs = +5 drop bonus. 1 MLB CE = +2 drop bonus. Only MLB when you won't lose bonus. Consult this image for MLB timing: image
  • Do not consider doing the exhibition quests until you get MLB damage (powermod) CE. The 5 copies you need for MLB are the grand prizes of the first 5 lotto boxes.
  • It is recommended to do the exhibition quests during a rotation where you are not farming as much. Alternatively, you can do them as they're released to make maximum use of your command seals.

Exhibition Quests

  • No dupe servants in the party.
  • No CS revive so use your CS for NP charge or servant healing.

Li Shuwen

Overview/Noteworthy mechanics:

  • Li Shuwen has stacks of energy and uses them to buff himself.
  • He gets energy when he kills your servants and you reduce his energy when you NP. When he runs out of energy he goes into a defensive stance.
  • He gets energy every break bar and on the last one he gets a 768k HP guts.


  • Use taunts + stuns + true invuln to mitigate damage, otherwise just hit him hard and fast. Not recommended to stall due to his instakill and pierce invuln mechanics.

Example vids:

Astarte + Rider Carmilla

Overview/Noteworthy mechanics:

  • Astarte + Carmilla start off with damage reduction. They lose damage reduction for every treasure they get.
  • The servant that kills a treasure gets a buff. On the final break bar for both enemies they steal your treasure buffs when normal attacking.
  • Space Ishtar will get NP gauge on her 1st break bar. The enemy will mark which treasure they're killing.
  • Rare Treasure C and F cause buff removal if the enemy takes it but ideally you just win before then.


  • The enemies are fairly tanky until they've taken a few treasures so let them take low value ones. Otherwise use a setup that has good sustain/damage mitigation and AOE NPs to whittle them down over time (Lady Avalon/Merlin). If you're strong enough you can just kill them.

Example vids:


Overview/Noteworthy mechanics:

  • Defeat Morgan to win. Morgan starts off the fight with a bunch of damage resistance for 10 turns.
  • Every turn she summons servants that can buff her. If you defeat those servants, Morgan loses damage reduction and you get buffs depending on the servant.
  • The servants leave at the end of the turn. Morgan is NP sealed until turn 10, where she'll launch her NP.
  • 2nd break bar she drains your NP gauge and charges her own.


  • The only fight that you can reasonably immortal. If you have the opportunity to you can kill her servants, otherwise it's not necessary.
  • Just bring a comp that can't die and you're good to go.
  • Servants to prioritize killing: Scathach, Reines (solos), Asclepius (solos), Babbage (solos), Phantom, Merlin.

Example vids:


Gamepress guide: Will be added later.

Appmedia guide

Overview/Noteworthy mechanics:

  • Any burns heal him. He burns when he attacks and when he gets attacked.
  • He gets buffed the more burn stacks he has. Final break bar he gets guts depending on the number of burn stacks he has (up to 10).


  • Use a strong ST DPS and hit him. Castoria has the bonus advantage that she can remove debuffs from your party, which is relevant from the 2nd break bar onwards.
  • Meme setup: Santa Gale's NP can remove burn from enemies so if you debuff removal and Gale NP for the final break bar he has no guts.

Example vids:


Overview/Noteworthy mechanics:

  • Defeat Europa to win. She has a bunch of damage reduction at the beginning which gets reduced each time she summons Talos.
  • Talos gets stronger each time he's summoned. Europa spams her charm + invuln skills during the fight.


  • If using a ST setup, kill Talos 2 times then hit Europa (Talos gets taunt from the 3rd time onwards).
  • If using AOE, just keep AOEing over and over again.

Example vids:


Overview/Noteworthy mechanics:

  • At the start of the fight, she's given 7 veils. Each veil gives her resistances. Every turn a veil will be removed and will be reapplied on turn 11.
  • The first veil to be removed is AOE NPs. Confusion after 1 break bar, can NP normally after 2 (normally is NP locked until all her veils are removed).


  • Hit her with AOE NPs. Don't use a stall comp, her normal attacks remove defensive buffs.
  • The veil mechanic also makes damaging her in a stall comp unfeasible.
  • Can easily beat the fight with Dark Koyan or Super Orion, both of whom have built in pierce invuln (nullifies the 1st and 5th veils). Holmes and Calamity Jane are also relevant.
  • Can also stall for 7 turns and fire off 3 ST NPs. Plugsuit stun can buy a turn if needed. Taunts help mitigate damage while stalling.

Example vids:


Overview/Noteworthy mechanics:

  • Defeat Salieri to win. You can only damage him with buster/arts/quick/mighty/brave chains.
  • After turn 2 and every 5 turns after that he gives you an assignment to complete (specific chain).
  • If you fail that assignment, you get punished with damage reduction, reduced defense, and buff block for 3 turns.
  • Every break bar he summons an add. The adds do various things. The adds leave every break bar.


  • Borrow a moon cancer and use the fact that NPs can help guarantee chains.
  • Arc and SBB are noteworthy for this. Can also utilize AOE servants in conjunction with same colored NPs to guarantee chains.

Example vids:


Happy farming!