What's life like after SF?

What is life like after SF?

I'm a college graduate, mid career sales professional making at least $100k/yr. Life is easy for the first time which is why I'm going insane. I'm not particularly optimistic about the economy moving forward and will likely need to retool myself via higher education. Due to likelihood of student debt involved, I'm considering to join Army as Officer to SF to Ranger/GB to get the most benefit out of my 6-9 yrs and then ride the slow decay into my later years by getting a Master's/PhD and starting a family somewhere.

I am currently 30yo, have little family and few close friends. Girlfriends are common but I don't want to start a family now. I messed around a lot in my twenties so that's not a factor anymore. I have no interest in popular culture and most social activities unless its shooting or contact sports related. I work out 6 days a weeks. My hobbies are mostly physical and education related meaning I can do these anywhere. The physical conditioning doesn't bother me and I'm currently working through SFAS prep programs which I enjoy a lot.

Would someone illuminate what the GB pipeline would look like from contract signing to exit? What sort of routes do people pursue during and afterwards? Is there someone I can send some questions to or speak to by call?

I would call a recruiter but I'm sure they'll sell me the dream and I want the reality.