Tingling in hands and feet?

Hello! I've been experiencing progressive (though subtle) tingling in my hands and feet for three or four days now. I had Covid August 21st, and recovered well. Then my kids brought home a cold virus from school the second week of September. It turned into pneumonia for 3/5 of us. I also have a history of when I get a chest infection, intense coughing causes a splitting headache at the base of my skull for anywhere from 10 seconds to 2 minutes. Antibiotics helped clear it up for me, though I've said so many times how strange of a virus it was. I've experienced a burning pain on the tip of my tongue for days, but has cleared up now. I chalked it up to the insane amount of halls/cough drops I was eating. Then my face started to hurt in the sinus areas, and my temples hurt to toych and figure it's just residual pressure from the virus. For a few days now, I'm hands and feet are tingly. My feet are bad in the morning when I first get out of bed, but seem to lessen as the day goes on. They're constant, but I wouldn't say severe feeling.. just subtly there. I notice today now the sensation seems to be moving up my legs and arms some. Can anyone relate with any of this? Im currently having a terrible panic attack worrying that this is Guillain-Barre. I have a doctors appointment scheduled for the 20th of October.

ETA : I called back and have an appointment this afternoon with my GP. I trust that if she's concerned, she'll have no problems directing me to a hospital for appropriate testing.