Yet another WinRar conundrum

Me from 15 years ago made a winrar archive, and saved said archive to an external drive that’s been sitting in a box in my closet for several years, along with some old 1G and 2G phones, cassette tapes, and so many cables.

Lots of old memorelia in that little box.
Along with that cursed rar!


I make passwords by eras, and always make them strong (not anniversaries, birthdays, names, dates, etc), but strings of alphanumeric/special characters, that wouldn’t make sense to anyone, especially because I often use phonetic Japanese words or weird abbreviations (born in Japan).

So, my conundrum; I have no idea what my ‘format’ for that time period might have been.


For example;

2001-2008: supuun$$$$
2009-2017: Zenkan_33@
2018-2024: Torotoro!7070

So, while I’m trying to remember what the hell I used back then, I download Crark and start reading the about page.

I get the gist, and what to do, I’m just not sure how to best define my password.def file.

I think it would have been between 6-8 chars long, most likely starts with a capital, followed by n number of lower case, possibly ending with two numeric or numeric + special.


I tried to do my due diligence and research online; Google, YT, Reddit, etc. But I’m still at a bit of a loss on how exactly to define this (especially since I forgot my format).

So I came here!
Hoping someone here will be able to help with a good definition, and yes, I realize that by the time such a brute force actually succeeds, our sun will most likely be in its white dwarf phase.