Designated medium unit destroyers for your squad

I’ve seen some talk about the bots being particularly difficult lately and I think I know a reason as to why this is. Your squad is lacking a designated medium unit destroyer.

Bot tanks and the new striders are very deadly, but I’ve been seeing more and more divers gear up in anticipation for this and rock a lot of anti tank equipment. However you’re forgetting the more numerous and equally deadly devastators who, in higher difficulties, will spawn in enough numbers to almost replace the lighter infantry and can carry a force as strong as any armored vehicles. Heavy devastators especially shred divers with ease.

You won’t be able to use rockets and missiles on them like you would tanks as it would be a waste, that’s why you should consider running weapons and equipment for dealing with devastators like the medium and heavy machine guns or grenade launcher. There are other weapons too you can dedicate to destroying those medium armor menaces. While tanks and hulks can shatter your defenses, devastators can keep your squad off balance far easier than a tank or hulk could and do so in greater numbers.

If you’re having trouble with bots, consider having one or two members of your squad gear for medium armor enemies while the rest fight off heavy armor. Don’t underestimate the devastators, especially now that accuracy and reaction time has been improved across the bots ranks.