Fent free post work nods🤤

Thank God for 🧅. Bout the same price as the fent free local shit I can get, but feels 10x as strong. The local is so cut I have to bang to nod. And so much shit left over after filtering 🤢. I can nod every 4 or so hits off the foil with this stuff. Only banged any twice now and it had me slumped and falling off my desk chair. Couldn’t complete a text for like 2hrs 😆 fuck gambling locally, fuck the fent/zene scene. Just utilize 🧅 and don’t get impatient. I love it because I don’t order more until I run out. Only get 2gs most times. I use 4 days a week, and don’t really get physically dependent. If I do it’s very mild and easy to push through with some benzos. It’s a great drug to relax at home after work……. Happy nods everyone ✌🏼 STAY. SAFE.