It ain’t all that

Quick disclaimer: I ain’t trying the needle! So limit my experience to that! I finally tired it.. and it was relatively underwhelming. Prior to this experience my only experiences with opioids were the scripts Codeine, oxy, taps & tramadol and the most consistent usage I’ve had with them were 5-60mg of OxyContin per day. Nothing crazy but I’ve definitely experienced withdrawals and cravings.

It was one of those weeks where I was at my lowest. I’ve lost 5 friends in the last 12 months from various incidents. (Not drug related) The last couple weeks had been a really rough tho. I was in the trap house with the dealer just kicking back when he asks me if I want to go pick up with him. I casually agreed and we began our walk by talking about his recent serge of H usage.

He’s telling me that it’s helped him stay off the meth for the last month and how it doesn’t cause the same level cravings for him.

After we picked it up he offered me a bit. I was hesitant at first but I feel comfortable around him and he was reassuring enough for me to not think too heavily upon it. In my head I was ready for whatever sensations were to come.

Experience: The initial dose would have been 70 milligrams up the nose. It’s tastes like incense and mosquitoes repellent. 10 minutes in I feel a slight dizziness and minimal wave of euphoria. When we get back to his room he asks me “hows it’s going?” Pretty “meh” at that point. He gives me another 50 mg and I sit with it. 20 minutes after the second dose I start to feel a stronger sense of euphoria. My shoulders and back start to feel warm and my anxiety starts to melt away.

“It’s ok”

1 hour after the first dose: Colours start to look a little brighter and my brain feels like it’s floating in a tub of warm gravy. My body feels like it’s made of concrete and moving around the room becomes more and more difficult. The urge to lay down is almost overwhelming. So I do, I lay down on his kitchen floor trying to mentally optimise the euphoria by stretching and curling my body.

3 hours after the initial dose: Im in and out of nodding off and then a strong wave of nauseous tension rises from my stomach to my forehead. I quickly stand and run to the bathroom. I vomit up several litres of water and a cup of white bile.

“Yuck, I don’t think my body is very happy”

I go back to the kitchen floor and fall asleep. I wake up 8 hours later to my dealer getting UberEats for breakfast. I feel absolutely fine, plus I feel like I’ve had the greatest sleep of my life.

Since that first experience I’ve tired it a couple more times. Each time I’ve had around 100-150 milligrams and the withdrawals are not that much stronger than other opioids I’ve had in the past. Although there are some differences that I’ll talk about in another post.