Help 🥲

I don’t like asking the internet for help with plants because I get 50 different answers, but I really don’t want to kill this plant. Have had this for at least 6 months and has been thriving in my north window. Recently I noticed it was putting out some vines without leaves on some of the nodes, so I assumed it needed more light with the days getting shorter. Moved it to much brighter south window and did NOT do it gradually. I looked at it today and a lot of the leaves are curling like it’s thirsty, but checking the soil indicates it’s good on water (not saturated, but it’s still sticking to my probe). I see no evidence of sunburn on the leaves - they aren’t getting direct sunlight for that to happen anyway. The leaves look fine/normal for this plant except for the curling and feeling like they need water. Pests are not an issue. Do I just move it back to its window with crappy light and hope for the best? Leave it where it is and water it despite my better judgement? Just leave it alone completely until the soil is dry to the point where I normally water? Move it back AND water it? Help 😖