Plumbers came back- STILL reeks like sewer gas

Previous post:

I rent and plumbers came back while I was out. They sealed the garbage disposal and told the landlord the smell should be all set once the sealant dries 🙄

I'm home now and I would honestly say it smells STRONGER now. They are from a reputable company with nearly 5 stars and hundreds of reviews on Google. I'm not understanding why this is so complex.

I'm calling them back tomorrow.

See pics. White in the first Pic is the sealant they added.

Someone please tell me what to tell these people? They've already been paid so these returns aren't costing anything- that's why the landlord is hesitant to call another company.

Sump pump was replaced a week ago after the sink stopped fully draining. Now the whole 1st floor (which is below sewer level) reeks like sewer gas. I'm cracking the windows in January and probably going to pay a fortune when my electric bill comes