How does a stent affect your life?

I’ve been diagnosed with IIH for two years now and I consider myself to have a mild version of it. I’ve been on and off diamox for two years now, with optic nerve swelling gone (as of now) and minimal symptoms.

Two years ago when I got my initial MRI, it said I had narrowing of the transverse and sigmoid sinuses, but they weren’t to concerned with it. I had another mri recently and it said the same thing so my neuro suggested to see a neuro vascular doctor to see if they want to do a stent or just see if it’s fine to leave it as it is.

I’m 24 so I’m a little concerned if I do end up having to get a stent how it can affect what I do in the future. For people who have gotten one, how’s your experience with it and does it prevent you from doing anything physically?