The great circles ending was horrible
The whole game was set up for an awesome ending full of adventure and intrigue. Then the last 20 minutes was just entirely disappointing like they didn't know how to deliver on the story they set up. Like if they had 2 stories in mind and went with the first but mashed the ending of the second in half assedly. It didn't really even explain why the great circle was aligned around the globe. Extremely disappointing.
I don't know how to do spoiler tags on phone so I won't go into specifics here.
As a side note the gameplay was also extremely awful, all kinds of input lag and animations making things just clunky as hell. Something as simple as opening a door takes half the controller for some reason.
And the graphics in other recent games it launched around the time of look just as good if not better. COD 6 looked better so I'm not sure why the great circle is getting so much attention based on system specs. Aside from it being indiana jones I don't see why everyone is praising this game so highly. Yeah, the voice actor did okay most the time, snd yeah the cut scenes were really reminiscent of the first 3 films but this is a video game about adventure it should be criticized by story and gameplay which were both disappointing and I refuse to overlook that because it's indiana jones.