9 year old felonies (housing)

Hello! My boyfriend has a record and has 2 felonies and a few misdemeanors for things that are non violent and not sex related charges. They are 9 years old now and he hasn’t been in any trouble except for maybe a speeding ticket and has been working and doing all the right things. We know we can get them expunged but it seems like it would be a lot of money we need to save in order to do so. If anyone has any organizations that would be able to help or give advice that would be ideal but until we can do that I was curious if anyone has any leasing places or apartments that will be more forgiving on felonies and charges that are older. We are wanting to move but I don’t want to pay for applications for them to shut him down instantly for his record. Any advice or tips on our situation would be helpful. I am kind of lost when it comes to these things. He seems to think he needs to pay for a lawyer in order to get his record expunged and need at least 1500$ but idk how accurate that is. Thank you in advance.