Per vaginal examination avoided in unmarried women in Gyne department: Please tell me this is not the reason

So, the other day in Gyne OPD posting, there was a patient who was having AUB with classic features of endometriosis (dysuria, dyschezia, the works). I know for a fact PV examination must be done, and she was an adult as well, although unmarried. The consultant didn't do it saying "she is unmarried." Please tell me this isn't because of "virginity concerns," because that would be seriously terrible. Are patient care standards really held to ransom by these dumb ideas about an intact hymen equalling virginity? What about cervical cancer screening, shouldn't that be done universally after age 21? Are we really so backward that a woman getting a normal checkup might mean her life and reputation are ruined? Gyne people here, please tell me there is some other medically appropriate reason (maybe to avoid pain or something).

EDIT: This also reminded me of that one question on "True vs. False Virgin" we get in our FMT exams. Gautam Biswas actually has a table and it reads like a bloody 3rd Century book. When 3rd year MBBS students are taught this nonsense, can't expect better from society.