I'm liking the resurgence Infinity Blade has been having as of late

Infinity Blade is starting to make somewhat of a comeback, at least on the fan side of things and I dig it. Of course there's the PC port of the first game, allowing me and many others to experience the game for the first time. And then there was Infinity Blade Studios video announcing the port, which got over 16000 like last time I checked!

Of course, there was the video Yiisu released a year and a half ago that also a lot of brought interest to the franchise. While I don't hate his video, it definitely does have issues, like getting several facts of the game wrong (Example: He says you can drink potions during combat in the first game when you can't) Still, his video did bring eyes onto the franchise and basically put it back into the public's eye for a bit.

And I honestly feel that once someone big talks about the PC port, like Critikal or whoever (It'll happen eventually, I think) then we're going to be seeing a huge uptake in interest for this franchise. Really, the ball is in Epic's court right now. They could remaster all three games, release them as one pack for a low price of 20-30 dollars with the microtransactions removed and make crap tons of cash on it. Or they can continue to squat on the IP and miss out on any potential sales they can make.

And since Fortnite is really the only game franchise they have that people care about, they really need a backup for when that game's popularity eventually dwindles into nothing like most online games. This is especially true if Disney ends up buying Epic, which will most likely happen cuz I doubt they'd invest 1.5 billion into the company and then NOT buy the whole thing later down the line. If all they can provide Disney is Fortnite and that game dies, then they'd most likely go the way of LucasArts and get shut down. That's why I feel bringing back Infinity Blade is important.

That is a hypothetical though, Epic giving in and finally releasing a remastered collection is wishful thinking and if it did happen and was done right then they'd have a big seller on their hands. But yeah moreso, I just wanted to talk about how it's cool that the game is retaining interest and making somewhat of a comeback. And I imagine it would be even more if the source code for the next two games got leaked online and they got ported to PC as well! But that's wishful thinking, regardless just wanted to share my thoughts.