My Mom's latest obsession is effing depressing.
Since I was 12 or 13 years old my mom had me on every fad diet she was on because my dad wouldn't do it with her. She's been seeking the "miracle cure" for her body image issues and a chronic back injury caused by being hit by a drunk driver when I was 4.
Now I'm almost 36 and have been out of her dietary clutches for over 13 years. But for some reason she wants me to legitimize her own disordered eating. She legitimately can't stop talking about this "carnivore" diet obsession she's been on since spring of last year. Every single time I have seen her in person whether it was a funeral, birthday parties or holiday gatherings she'd yap about her fucking diet. Just non stop. To anyone unfortunate enough to be in earshot. She has two of my siblings doing it with her now. They still live with her (large age gap between us)
She's the same way with religion too. God wouldn't fix her chronic back injury so I guess she decided she has to? I don't know.
I know she is in pain and pain makes people go crazy. I definitely understand that. I'm sick of these texts though. My husband told her to stop once already. I used to respond, now I never do.
Bonus: check out the carnivore diet grifter that claims she "healed" SCHIZOPHRENIA through the diet that my mom was sooo amazed by 😤