PLEASE HELP!! How to stop Hypnic Jerks?

It is 4:04 AM as I’m writing this. I am a 16 year old girl. My life is pretty stressful. I have a job in order to pay for my school tuition, arguing parents, financial issues, and much more to worry about, so I wasn’t surprised when I started having insomnia. But simply not being able to fall asleep quickly became having muscle spasms and being jerked awake. I took some melatonin for that, and it seemed to work for about a week and a half. But tonight (or today I should say), it became much worse.

Everytime I start to fall asleep my body jerks forward. I typically lay on my left side to fall asleep and my right shoulder(the shoulder I’m not laying on), jerks forward in a harsh movement, startling me awake with a racing heart. I already took my melatonin for tonight so I was pretty freighted that I was having trouble sleeping again.

I took a deep breathe and told myself it was going to be okay, and tried falling back to sleep. This obviously didn’t work and I was jerked awake again. This time my whole body had jerked upwards, and my arms flailed upwards too. My heart was racing and beating out of my chest.

Please help me! What supplements do I need to take? Do I go to a doctor? I heard magnesium could help. I’m so scared. My twin sister has gone through this and is doing better but she had the hardest time getting there. I need to stop this before it gets worse. I have work at 10:00 AM today. I’m more than likely going to pull an all-nighter.

I guess it’s worth noting that I got into a fight with my parents about my job today which was very stressful, and could be the reason I’m going through this. But also my brother is up at night time, and goes to sleep around 7 AM, and he’s very noisy. There are so many things that could be contributing to this, and I just want some sleep. I feel like a basic right has been stolen from me by my own body.

Please help me, I can’t take this anymore :/