Too dumb for bowfa god wars

edit: Thanks for the advice guys. I think I'm going to start at bandos off-task and try a different method like 6:0 before maybe graduating to more precise tick perfect ones. If the beta worlds are still open (idk if they are since they canceled the prayer book) I will go there too.

Anyone have any tips for trying to do this who suck at PVM like me? So far the learning curve is huge and it feels like shit going back and getting KC. I had a graardor task and couldnt get a single kill with door altar before dying or teleing out, now the same with zammy. The timing requires perfection and I am extremely far from that. I don't even think I did it successfully one time. Feeling pretty demotivated and I'm one step away from doing the good old melee methods.

I heard stats don't really matter for this but just in case, 91 range 80 def 90 mage.