Queer Couple Looking for Affordable and LGBTQ+ Friendly Neighborhoods Near Ithaca
Hey All,
We're going to be visiting the Ithaca area in early September with the goal of moving to the area before the New Year and want to know which areas we should explore on our trip. I don't think we'll be able to afford Ithaca proper but would like to be near the city and I've already posted in Lansing. We are both from from Pennsylvania originally but have most recently been living in Western Virginia. Unfortunately we badly misread the political climate in the area we were living and are looking for a safe space to lay down roots especially with the coming election. Our main criteria are affordable stand-alone or quiet duplex housing, safe for Queer couple, and safe for Jewish people.
Our budget is less than $2,500 and we need a place that would let us bring our kitty.
Any recommendations for neighborhoods or places to search for rentals in the Fall?