Finished Uzumaki. Should I read more Ito?
Like many others, Uzumaki is my first Junji Ito read. The body horror was spectacular. The stories were engaging and haunting. I was loving it.
Then the ending came and... I didn't hate it, far from it. But I'm just confused and a little bit empty.
I feel genuinely bad because I love horror, and I did love the overwhelming majority of this manga.
The main gripe for me (and some others apparently) were the fates of the characters. I won't say they were particularly interesting or invigorating, but for me it's WAY too easy for me to care about characters when they have messed up shit happening to them, and Kirie was no exception.
I didn't need answers to the spiral curse. Heck, I didn't even need for them to find a way to beat it and "save" everyone. I just wanted at least Kirie or Shuichi or even Chie to escape unscathed. I know there are different interpretations of this ending that give it a more "hopeful" perspective from the romance angle, and that certainly helps, but it doesn't take away the sting, you know? I guess I just didn't know what to expect from this, and I'm afraid this stuff like this just might not be for me.
From what I've seen on the Reddit, this is apparently the "happiest" ending for two of his protagonists. I'm worried if I keep reading his stuff, I'll just feel the way I feel now. What should I do? I feel like I can't call myself a horror fan if I don't get over it and experience Ito and his work, but I don't want to feel like an idiot at the end for caring about his characters.