When The Phone Rings is easily another favorite
I stayed up til 230am finishing the last episodes and am so in love with this drama.
The chemistry.
The acting.
How the episodes were so well rounded and done so good.
Writing was on point for the most part, and up until the last episode I was in shock at how well it was written.
I loved the romantic tension scenes and also the closeup shots of them touching other (example, Sa-eon's hand wrapped around her waist).
And the kiss scenes, definitely some of the best. Bed scene-I have no words to describe, just amazing.
Definitely surprised about the amount of skin that was shown which is more than I have seen in the dramas I've watched but I'm not complaining, I loved how they did it. (Also, lingerie too, wow!)
Yeon-seok, incredible performance. Loved his expressions when he was emotional, he really put in his all it seemed.
The chief employee in Sa-eon's office--hilarious.
The antagonist, holy cow, he did so well, almost is a bit scary how he did the role of a>! psycopath !<so well.
The only downer was the last episode, at least the first half of it. The writing was so dang good up until that point. It's a bit tricky to find a drama that doesn't have writing fall off towards the end. But some are worse than others. I understand they were wanting to stay true to the webtoon, but I wouldn't mind if they changed things up for this one, that's how much I loved this drama.
I hope they win some awards for this!
I wish there were more episodes but they at least ended it really well. The hopeless romantic in me would've loved to see the wedding and kids but it was still nice how they ended it though.
When The Phone Rings is going into my top dramas list for sure. Do I dare say 9.5/10? I'd have to rate my other favorites and I'm too tired at the moment but that's how I'll rate it for now.
Anyone else love this one as much as I do? Let me know down below :)