Wrecka Crew questions.

A few questions for Wrecka Crew players or persons with knowledge...

Wrecka Points:

  1. I interpret it that Wrecka Points can be used immediately. For example 6 dice. 2 crits, 1 normal and 3 misses. Can immediately use the 2 Wrecka points to make it 2 crits and 3 normals. Opinions? Rules say in attack dice stage you can spend. So I assume that is still possible in the attack dice stage of that action. But have been disagreed with when playing.

  2. Can only have a max of 6. If you start an action with 6 you cannot gain any more in that action... Also can use a maximum of 3 points, I interpret this per attack dice roll as the rule states in attack dice roll not per action. So hypothetically with Salvo....targeting two separate targets.

Start with 4 Wrecka points - first target get 2 crits, use the 2 Wrecka points immediately. Still on 4.

Second target - roll and get 1 crit. So up to 5. Use another 2 Wrecka points taking me down to 3.

Blast target - roll and get 2 more crits. Taking me up to 5 and using 2 immediately.

Is this legal? At no point have I used more that 3 per attack dice roll. And at no point have I started a roll whilst having the max amount of Wrecka Points?

Krusha -

  1. When you strike you move the player and inch and follow up. Can you decide the direction (within reason) can it be diagonally backwards or is it straight line only.

  2. what if you are fighting over cover light or heavy. Do you knock back and follow over? Or because of the inch to climb you don't push/follow.

  3. is the push back optional? Or does it always do it if it is possible?

Pulsa rockitt-

  1. First part says it does D3+1 damage to all those "wholely within x" so completely within the range. But then the next part says those within x range get +1 to hit and -2 inch move. So due to it not saying "wholely" within can that be partially within, like when shooting/grenade. Doesn't need to be wholely within the designated range just as long as it is within the range.