I think my child is academically ready but worried about homework load

My child has a late August birthday so we get to choose if she goes to kindergarten next year or not. We had always planned on keeping her home an extra year for a couple of reasons.

One is that she was a little behind on speech. When we had her evaluated to see if she needed speech therapy at about 2.5, she tested only one point above needing intervention. I figured that she would need the extra year to catch up but to my surprise, her speech has exploded. I think part of it is just time obviously, but the other part is that she started preschool this year and I think that's been the big thing.

The other reason is that I want her to remain a kid for as long as possible. I wanted to her to have an extra year at home. With the way the world is, these kids are going to have it really really tough and I just wanted an extra year to set her up for success in adulthood.

Well. She loves school and we talked to her teacher about her kindergarten readiness and she said that academically and behaviorally she is on track to do k next year. I honestly feel like she should go to k because she is so eager and excited to start reading and writing. She loves writing our family's names and recognizes street signs (she knows our freeway exit!) and recognizes who texts us when notifications pop up on our phones. I feel it would be a disservice to not send her to kindergarten when she seems to be excelling in every way and is excited to learn.

I worry about homework. She can be somewhat of a perfectionist and I've only seen it come out a few times under pressure but if she feels like she's not doing a good job she just shuts down and can't continue. I think the only homework that kindergarteners should be doing is reading with their parents basically so I am really nervous not knowing how much homework she will receive. I think it's a little much to go to school all day and then expect two more hours of work. I asked parents in my neighborhood about this but didn't really get any specific answers.

This was super long but basically I am nervous. If you can't tell, she's my first haha. I am also a late summer birthday and went to school as the youngest in my grade and never regretted it or had problems so I don't know why I'm so nervous. She is a lot quieter than me and less outgoing.

Someone help me chill out about this please. Hahaha.