I'm becoming a tiger mom and I blame the school apps

This is probably something I should unpack with my therapist, but here we are!

I don’t know if it’s the sheer amount of information we get as parents these days - every test and classwork grade updated in real time on the app, behavior points added and deducted like it’s a video game (thanks, Class Dojo), constant WhatsApp updates about what our kids should wear for the 100th day of school, reminders to bring Valentine’s cards, and shoutouts for kids getting awards for something - but I find myself checking the apps multiple times a day just to see how my kindergartener did on a quiz or what the WhatsApp group is buzzing about.

And I take it way too personally. A low score? A -1 on their digital behavior sticker chart? It gets to me. But then, on the flip side, I also find it super useful... like, "Oh, your reading test wasn’t great? Let’s practice sight words this week!" or "Wait, Valentine’s cards are due? Guess I’m making a last-minute Target run."

So I KNOW the healthy move would be to delete the apps, turn off notifications, and just chill, but I do not have the self-control for that. If the information is there, why wouldn’t I check it?! It’s like a reality show where my kid is the main character, and I need to know what’s happening.

But I also feel like all this monitoring is making me too intense, when kindergarten is supposed to be fun and low-pressure. My parents were super chill when I was in school. They weren’t tiger parents at all, but I was an early reader, naturally did well, and got praised without ever feeling pressured.

So… how are you all dealing with the constant flood of info about how our kids are doing? Because I feel like I’m already an anxious person who is continuing down the path of being even more anxious (and I'm worried it will eventually affect my relationship with my kid.)