Endogamy is an ancient Kurdish tradition that should be revived. There is nothing “racist” or “fascist” about it.

The ancestors of Kurds were all strictly endogamous without any exceptions. Today, only Yazidis, Yarsanis, Zoroastrians, and Elewis have preserved it. Shabaks were endogamous when they followed their native faith, similar to Yarsanism. When Shabaks converted to orthodox Shi'ism after the 1980s, the tradition died and now you very often see them marrying Arabs and Turkmen and claiming to be a separate ethnicity. Even Feylis, many of them were Yarsan, and even Feyli Muslims were strictly endogamous until the 1980s.

You can be a Muslim Kurd and still maintain endogamy, there is nothing "haram" about it, its completely permissible. The enemies have a history of mentioning Islam to manipulate us into doing what they want. Endogamy remained in our society even after Islam came, and the decline of endogamy happened recently during the 20th century. It has nothing to do with Islam or any religion, I am a Muslim Kurd and I've been insulted by several Non-Muslim Kurds for wanting to stay endogamous, they called me "fascist" and "racist". Historically, you needed both parents to be Kurds to be considered a Kurd. Today, many Kurds believe that as long as you have a Kurdish father, you are a Kurd. This is entirely an Arab practice and has nothing to do with us. Kurds were known for endogamy and this is why various Arab and Turkish governments promoted intermarriage. If the father is a Kurd, then he will always be working while the mom stays with the children and raises them with her culture. If the mother is a Kurd, the children will identify with the father. Intermarriage has only taken us backwards.

For the past 20 years, Kurds have had their fun with intermarriages, and now there is Kurdish-Turkish and Kurdish-Arab kids with an identity crisis who cannot be loyal to the Kurdish cause because they have loyalty to the other side as well. I also see diaspora Kurds with crazy mixes. Its reached its limit. We need to return to this tradition and it needs to become a requirement for being Kurdish again.