Admissions AMA + Applicant Volume About to go 🆙

Hi everyone,

I have some relatively rare downtime tomorrow and happy to answer admissions questions/any questions I can help with (law school related, why do I wake up at 3 AM, what books do I read please please don’t make every one about admissions lol) I’ll start answering at some absurdly early hour tomorrow but since its the holidays and people may be busy, feel free to start asking now and I’ll jump on them in the AM.

Also, soon after the November LSAT release, we’ll see the applicant volume (now at +23.5%) soar up again to over +30%. That’s going to look scary and to be fair this cycle will be up and competitive, but again it can’t end that high. It’ll start declining and I think will end up about +15%. I just got off the phone with a Dean of a law school who wants to increase class size a good bit and I think that sentiment may ease the pain a little. I can answer more in the thread I just wanted to mention it’s not going to be as competitive cycle as it is about to look.

Mike Spivey

Edit update: if you have LSAT questions Powerscore CEO Dave Killoran u/dkilloranpowerscore is going to answer questions here too.