Primise Minister selection process

I seen a few questions around the process of selecting a Prime Minister in Lebanon.

It is not a complicated process, unlike the presidential election.

The MPs (members of parliament) go either individually or in representatives block to the presidential palace for consultations (2estisharat) with the president.

In these binding (2lezemiyyeh) consultations, the MPs make known their choice of PM, and the president make known his preferred choice. A last minute name change can happen to accommodate the presidential choice but it practically rarely does.

The number of "recommendations" are totalled. The person with the simple majority of backing voices wins. Unlike presidential elections, there is no minimal threshold to be attained.

If two persons hold the equal amount of simple majority, it is usually agreed upon that it's up to the president's discretion to chose one of the two candidates. The president can relaunch another round of consultations if needed.