I refuse to believe we are mid january.

Today it the 16th of january, and what on earth is going on with this damn weather ? no rain, no cold, no nothing, it feels like spring, you walk in the sun and you get sweaty, you sleep with covers, you get sweaty.

For the love of Allah almighty, i took a nap today and woke up with 2 mosquito bites on my fingers, mosquitos, in january. Didn't rest until i ended that pest with my bear hands.

Pests are all over the place, birds even stopped migrating, remember in school how they used to tell us birds migrate ? seems birds are now migrating to us, must have picked up this nasty habit from our neighbors.

This is getting too much, global warming ? summer is too hot and now we have no fall and no spring and also a hot winter ?

I remember when i was a kid in the 90s, we wouldn't move away from the heater in december and january, the sun would say bye bye for 3 months, rain was almost 24/7 and best of all, winter was winter and we werent' all ''Oh my gosh, a storm is coming, we can't go to school'', in my days, i would swim against the current, both ways even when a tsunami used to hit us 5 times a day.

But seriously, all jokes aside, this is messed up, the past 2 years, i didn't even take out my coats from storage, all i am wearing is some light tacksuits and some adidas hoodies all day and feel way too warm.

Also, everywhere you go to shop, like spinney's, the thermostat is like 40 degrees to a point that i started taking off my jacket and hat, keep them in the car and go in so i don't get a heat stroke.

Strange days i tell you, i miss good old winter with the sound of rain on my window when i go to sleep, it is missed a lot.