why are some lebanese teens so immature?

one thing i will never understand is how teens in lebanon act in weird and immature ways thinking they’re all that. i don’t live in lebanon but i spend 4 months there every year. i keep stumbling upon loud teenagers in their motorcycles and once even a 15 year old driving his dads car. Then there’s also these boys that claim to be so religious and claim to be a saint but shames you for example for not wearing a hijab but post themselves drinking alcohol and smoking weed? and they’re out clubbing on a random weekday when they have school the next day? where are their parents? honestly. i keep seeing these abc bad boys on my tik tok and its just so cringe to watch. I don’t want to shame anyone at all, but having multiple relationships and talking to multiple girls and being classed as a player (both girls and boys) ain’t cool it’s really fucking cringe. Cause i keep seeing these teenagers posting about for example “when she thinks she’s the only one😂”. i’m sorry but that is the most cringe and embarrassing thing ever. Worst part is that they think it’s a flex, plus how they’re always posting themselves with guns. like bro enough go give them back to your grandpa or daddy atp and focus on your studies

well i had to get that off my chest for so long because i’m a teen myself and i’ve never acted in this way at any point of my life. Many people might not even agree with me and might not even understand what i mean but if you do please feel free to respond because im sick and tired of seeing these people like this.

thank you for reading my rant :)