WTT: Boss BF-2, DM-2W, Keeley Parallax, Peterson Strobostomp Mini, Pedaltrain Nano+ feeler WTTF: EQD Dispatch Master V3, Ibanez CS Mini, EHX Op-Amp Muff, Keeley Compressor Mini, Korg Pitchblack Mini/X Mini, Fender Player HSS loaded pickguard
January is almost in the books and I hope it's been a good one! Two weeks in the hospital and the subsequent sleep deprivation of new parenthood have granted me ample time to goof around with my board and cement a better idea (for now) of What I Like and What I Might Use. What fun!
- Boss BF-2
Boss DM-2W (missing one screw on the bottom)- Keeley Parallax (feeler-y, would mostly only move this if I can lock in a trade for a Dispatch Master on this post.)
Peterson Strobostomp Mini (would probably only swap for the Korg)- Pedaltrain Nano+ (Really would only swap this for a Metro 16. Have a Truetone CS6 I want to stick on the Metro, but I can look at including it with the Nano+ if you have a power supply you can include with your end. Other than that, I'm content to go board for board.)
EQD Dispatch Master V3- Ibanez CS Mini
- EHX Op-Amp Muff
Keeley Compressor MiniKorg Pitchblack X Mini- Fender Player HSS Loaded Pickguard (the stock pickups are what I'm looking for, wanted to try a HSS config on my MIM Strat but want to save myself some soldering and component purchasing. This is a really low priority.)
I'm more willing to wheel and deal on the Boss stuff since it's completely extraneous to my board, the Parallax is my main verb and delay and I'd strongly prefer to replace it with a Dispatch. My main wants/needs are the Dispatch, CS Mini, Pitchblack Mini and Metro 16.
Thank you so much for your time and have a great day!