Not getting better with steroids.

Hi all, I’m 11 days into topical steroids and estradiol but nothing seems to be changing, I think perhaps even getting worse slightly?

I was diagnosed around a month ago, but the doctor did hesitate to diagnose because I don’t have any super typical symptoms.

Basically the inside of my vagina around the opening feels hard and swollen and is quite painful especially when touched. The left side of my labia just outside the entrance feels a bit sore and irritated, similar to heat rash feeling. It’s not itchy, it’s not white etc. and it’s inside the opening. Does this sound like LS to you all?

Because the doc was hesitant slightly, and now because the steroids (betamethasone) aren’t working I wonder if it’s caused by something else. I did used to have swollen lymph nodes in my groin but that seems to have abated just before I started treatment.

Just wondering if I should get a third opinion. First doctor said it was thrush even though I have no itching or discharge so I did a harsh treatment of internal cream and a tablet a day for a week and nothing changed with that. I went to see my doctor who delivered my three children and he is the one who diagnosed. He is a gp and obstetrician.

I just don’t know what to do. I’m thinking I should get a third opinion but if this does sound like LS maybe it just takes longer to heal ? I am on immunosuppressants for another disease so perhaps I’m a slow healer now.

Getting frustrated! Thanks all for reading.