So judging from the MQ... we're completely and totally inept, right?
I just finished Book 14 of the MQ and I swear, I don't think we've ever been successful once in any of these missions. No wonder Frodo has to save all our asses.
Literally every quest is like "You must go to THIS PLACE to prevent THIS PERSON from doing THIS BAD THING!" and then we show up, kill 100 mobs then get to the last room and then THIS PERSON is all "LOLOL you're too late ASSBUTT! I have completed THIS BAD THING! Fool, you will die fighting my lackey while I leave!"
Then you kill the lackey and you go back and talk to Elrond at Rivendell and he's all "Ah fuck you totally failed in your mission but thank god you witnessed UNRELATED THING! What a success!"