How do you guys enjoy playing this champion?

This isnt a rant its just a honest question based on my experience as a Diana main but what part of playing this champion is enjoyable? Everytime I see a Lux mid they just become a 2nd turret not leaving under it for the entire game and I can not imagine that being fun but now it has started to spread to other people.

Today my team had the most boring game of my entire life. The enemy team had a Senna/Xerath/Lux/Kayn/Viego. The only people we would ever see is Kayn or Viego trying to push side lanes. We would kill them then go to push and get 3 cross map ults coming at us. We would never see the Xerath/Lux/Senna except when we went to go push a turret. We could roam their jungle and everything but this made the game last for 42 minutes until we said screw it and for some odd reason they all threw their stuns at the same time instead of chaining them so I got a nice ult off finally killing the xerath/lux/senna which their kd's were 2/1,2/1,32 in a 40 minute game. But after that game I have resulted to banning lux even though she is a 0 problem for me mid over people who are threats such as Yasuo or Zed for the fear of having to endure another 42 minute farm festival. I just really want to know how yall do it.