Why does being a parent in Malaysia look so miserable?

As someone who practice Sologamy, i dont know why when a see a mother with a kid, the mother look tired as fuck and like doesn't even care for the kid. For example today during lunch, i saw a mother that her kid crying cause he wanted a toy or something and the mum keep telling the kid to shut up or will get beat if he keep crying, it's doesn't work and the kid even made a tantrum and the mother i think finally give up just " nak nangis, nangis lah mak bagi tinggal sini" and she just leave her kid crying there, tantrum on the floors.

And i think bout 2-3 minutes come some dude that i assume is the father (hopefully LOL) , carry the kid away.

One more, is there a reason why parents give their kids half ass things? Like i seen teens with low end handphone. Teens is in the age where they compare each other but a parent givin their kid a low end hp, the teen probably got make fun of at school. This cost the teen having anxiety, worse if they start to do something bad to get money like stealing or the girls join Bigo( video steaming platform) for attention and money.

Seriously i could write more but i think most here would understand what i meant.