Learn to Flex; itll save ur life!
About a week or so ago i made a post about how i was hardstuck bronze as a solo player. Now, i reached Plat 3, and am pretty proud. What made me jump so much? It was learning how to flex. Before, my problem was hard sticking Duelist, and never picking anyone else. 4 Duelists, 1 Tank and 1 healer? Guess i just gotta hope someone else swaps. Im going 5 - 6 20 minutes into the match? Guess i just gotta play another duelist. Tank by himself and getting overwhelmed? Whelp, lemme try and kill the supports (Aka, diving solo). After being so stuck in those ranks, i decided to say “fuckit, i gotta change strategy” and learnt Magneto for Tank and Invisible Woman for Healing, and i immediately started to climb ranks. I still prefer dps but if im going negative into the game and the tank is solo, swapping to Magneto has done nothing but help the team, as whilst i cannot get many kills having 2 shields and 650 something health is a lot better than 250. Same with Healing, i keep saying “god i need healing” and realised that i need to swap to healing. Flexing has massively increased the skill i have in the game, ad