I'm Probably Not Going To Rank Higher Than Silver, Again
It's probably not because the teams I get queued with go four duelists. It's probably because as one of the two healers we're trash, not because hardly anyone wants to play vanguard. It's probably not because people are trying to play this like Call of Duty.
It feels like people aren't approaching this game as a co-op with roles. In many matches when I've asked for help when the enemy team's duelists are focusing us healers, I've been met with , "pIcK bEtTeR hEaLeRs," and, post match all-chatting "hEaL dIfFeReNcE," at the end of the game. Or when we get sniped, people are fervently spamming, "Need Healing!" with zero game sense.
It's hard out there as a healer.
Tangentially last season there were a dozen matches where people would or were disconnected. I wish there was some leave shield for 4 or 5 v 6 games. I was so close to getting that moon knight skin, it was so frustrating.
EDIT: I made Gold anyway, lol